IDEAS Project Training Program Graduation Ceremony

A fun and exciting graduation ceremony was held last October 30, 2024, at the Ground Floor Lobby in Calamba City to celebrate the hard work, commitment, and growth of twenty-one (21) women entrepreneurs who successfully completed the first phase of the local training program of IDEAS Project.

The training program was part of a joint effort of the Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center (APWINC) and Women’s Business Council Philippines Inc. (WomenBizPH), in collaboration with the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund. These organizations share a vision to empower women in business sectors, with a particular focus on equipping them to thrive on digital platforms, which are increasingly essential in today’s competitive landscape. The initiative aligned with ASEAN’s broader goal of promoting inclusivity and digital competitiveness across Southeast Asia.

The program spanned 44 hours and covered essential topics such as digital marketing strategies, financial planning, and effective time management to name a few. Through this hands-on training, participants gained skills in areas like social media marketing, e-commerce, budgeting, and productivity tools, which are critical for scaling and sustaining businesses in the digital age. By the end of the program, participants were prepared to apply these skills to enhance their market presence, manage finances efficiently, and streamline operations which are crucial steps in growing their ventures.

The Gender and Development Office (GAD) of Calamba City facilitated the training under the leadership of its Chairperson, Mayor Roseller H. Rizal. Mayor Rizal, known for his dedication to inclusive development, played a key role in supporting this initiative, reflecting his administration’s commitment to gender equality, equity, and economic empowerment for women in the community. Through GAD’s involvement, the city emphasized its commitment to fostering an enabling environment for women entrepreneurs.

As the graduates proudly received their certificates, some of the women shared their gratitude for the support and training that greatly help them innovate and compete in the digital economy. The event served as a powerful reminder of the impact of skills development in transforming local businesses and inspiring economic progress for Calamba residents.

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