GAD Articles

2024 Barangay Technical Assistance: Strengthening Gender-Responsive Governance in 43 Barangays

Technical assistance such as Gender Sensitivity Training (GST), Gender Analysis (GA), and/or Gender Mainstreaming (GM) were provided by the Gender and Development (GAD) Office to...


The following barangays participated in the observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW): Palo-Alto- November 27, 2024Camaligan – November 29, 2024Lingga...

Fostering Inclusive Communication: Internal Audit Division Seminar on Gender-Fair Language

The Internal Audit Division requested a speaker from the Gender and Development (GAD) Office for a seminar on Gender-Fair Language, specifically tailored for their workplace...

Fostering Inclusivity: MTCC Seminar on Gender-Fair Language in the Workplace

A request for a speaker was coordinated with the Gender and Development (GAD) Office, under the leadership of Chairperson Mayor Roseller H. Rizal, regarding a...

Empowering PWD Leaders: Gender Sensitivity Training for Inclusive Communities

The presidents representing the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) sector from fifty-four (54) barangays gathered at the Family Beach Resort in Guisguis Port Sariaya, Quezon, last...

GFPS 4th Quarterly Meeting: Strengthening GAD Fund Utilization for Inclusive Development

A meeting was conducted last November 26, 2024, at the CCC Board Room, Calamba City College, Calamba City to discuss the utilization of GAD-related programs...

BJMP Seminar in Calamba Highlights Violence Against Women and Its Impact

In response to a letter of invitation, the Gender and Development (GAD) Office extended its support to the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)...

Calamba City Forms Local Media Board to Promote Gender-Responsive Media Practices

The Gender and Development Office (GAD) of Calamba in collaboration with Information, Investment Promotions and Employment Services Office (IIPESO) and Communications Operations Group of Mayor’s...

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Courtesy Visit to Calamba City Leaders

A courtesy visit to Mayor Roseller H. Rizal and Vice-Mayor Angelito Lazaro Jr., was made by the women entrepreneurs under the IDEAS Project Program to...

Mainstreaming on Gender and Development and Strategic Planning Seminar 2024

The Gender and Development Office (GAD) was requested by the Cooperatives and Livelihood Development Department (CLDD) to provide a resource person for the seminar on...

GAD Events

Local Women Council Seminar in Calamba Empowers Women Against Violence and Harassment

To strengthen the members of the Local Women Council, an intensive seminar was conducted at Monte Vista Resort, Brgy. Pansol, Calamba City last November 28...

Anti-VAW Painting Contest Kicks Off 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women in Calamba City

HAPPENING NOW | The Gender and Development (GAD) Office under the Office of the City Mayor is currently hosting its Anti-VAW Painting Contest as to...

IDEAS Project Training Program Graduation Ceremony

A fun and exciting graduation ceremony was held last October 30, 2024, at the Ground Floor Lobby in Calamba City to celebrate the hard work...

VAW Talks 2023 Palo Alto Elementary School

In observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC), the Gender and Development Division under the good leadership of...

Essay Writing Contest 2023

The Gender and Development Division under the Office of the City Mayor, organized an Essay Writing Contest in support of the 18-day campaign to end...

Poster Making Contest 2023

“PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD” Ipakita ang inyong suporta sa mga kalahok na nagpamalas ng kanilang galing sa pagguhit sa Poster Making Contest 2023.Kaninong obra ang nais...

18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women 2023

Let’s stand UNITED for a VAW-free Philippines! Join the Observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women today! Explore the campaign on Philippine...